Diamond Crown Cigar Lounge Grand Openings
Cigar Legend Stanford J. Newman said, "Fine cigars deserve first-class accommodations." This is why the Newman Family is launching Diamond Crown Cigar Lounges in 42 of the finest cigar stores across America. This network of top-quality cigar lounges will provide a haven for cigar connoisseurs. The Newman Family invites you to join them at DCCL Grand Opening Events:
â July 29: Stanley Pappas Cigars in Greenwood Vill., CO
â July 30: Barlows Premium Cigars in Lafayette, CO
â July 31: Addison Cigar in Addison, TX
â Aug. 9: The Cigar Shoppe in Cummings, GA
â Aug. 20: 8 Eighty Eight Cigar Merchants in Fullerton, CA
â Aug. 21: Aficionado Cigars & Wine in Lake Forest, CA
Corona Cigar, Diamond Crown Lounge, Orlando, Fla.