TSA Approved Lighter Case

In an electronic correspondence from Prometheus, the Los Angeles-based company introduces and promotes a new lighter carrying case, approved for use on flights by the TSA. Included is a summary of TSA regulations for carrying lighters.
On August 4, 2007, the U.S. Transportation Security Administration annouced that it would "no longer ban common lighters (excluding torch lighters) in carry-on luggage." Torch lighters still "remain banned in carry-ons."
Even though non-torch lighters are allowed in carry-on luggage, both common and torch lighters are not permitted in checked baggage unless they are carried in the special case approved by the Department of Transportation (DOT). The DOT allows up to two fueled lighters if properly enclosed in a DOT approved case.On October 23, 2006 (renewed on April 10, 2009), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has granted Prometheus International, Inc. with Special Permit (DOT-SP 14415) for its Lighter Travel Case. Now, you can put one flammable gas fueled lighter or one liquid (oil fluid) metal lighter in Prometheus Travel Case in your checked baggage, and travel with your lighter in commercial aircraft operating in the United States. You can put up to two Prometheus Travel Cases in your checked luggage.
L i g h t e r T r a v e l C a s e
C r u s h p r o o f, A i r t i g h t a n d W a t e r p r o o f u p t o 1 0 0 f e e t
M a d e w i t h A B S p l a s t i c r e i n f o r c e d w i t h f i b e r g l a s s
The following questions and answers help to clarify the use of the new cases.
1) Can any brands of lighters go inside of Prometheus Travel Case?
The following lighters can go inside of Prometheus Travel Case: All Prometheus lighters All other butane gas lighters assigned with DOT T-number or Lighter Certificate Numbers All liquid (oil fluid) metal lighters |
2) How many lighters can be packed in my checked baggage?
One lighter per Prometheus Travel Case in a checked baggage and two Prometheus Travel Cases per each checked baggage. The maximum number of lighters you can pack in checked luggage is 2 lighters. CAUTION: Prometheus Travel Case must be packed in checked baggage. You cannot carry your lighter in Prometheus Travel Case on board the aircraft. One lighter per Prometheus Travel Case in checked baggage and two Prometheus Travel Cases per each checked baggage (maximum of two lighters per checked baggage). Do not remove foam inserts. Do not change or modify Prometheus Travel Case. |