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Advertising Info

Advertising on Cigar Weekly

Advertisers Policy

Why advertise on Cigar Weekly Magazine?

Advertising on Cigar Weekly Magazine is one of the most effective means of driving traffic to your site. Cigar Weekly is an online magazine for cigar enthusiasts. We offer our readers:

  • A chance to participate in independent cigar reviews
  • Interviews with industry personalities
  • Weekly feature stories
  • Daily cigar news updates
  • How-to information and articles for those just learning about cigars
  • Online event calendar for cigar-related events
  • Gigantic cigar-related links page
  • Cigar contests
  • and more!

We offer a variety of advertising programs to fit any budget. If you have a product or service that is of interest to cigar enthusiasts, then we have a solution to meet your advertising needs. 

Banner Specifications

In order for your banner ad to be approved for advertising, it must comply with the following banner specifications:
Dimensions 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels tall
File Formats GIF, PNG, JPG
File Size Less than 50,000 bytes

Mini Banner Specifications

These are the small banners that appears in the left column on every page. Pricing is the same as for Run of Network.
Dimensions 120 pixels wide by 90 pixels tall
File Formats GIF, PNG, JPG
File Size Less than 35,000 bytes

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