About Cigar Weekly.com
In the Fall 1997 issue of Smoke magazine, Lew Rothman, President of JR-CIGARS wrote:
"...today's premium cigar smokers are demanding more and more information about the cigars, and the people who make them. To the readers of this and other magazines, premium cigars are more than just a product; they are an insatiable passion."
Cigar Weekly.com is a web site that has two primary functions and a multitude of great benefits.
First, Cigar Weekly is a weekly magazine with articles written by our members who participate in our community forum from all around the world. If you are a writer and would like to contribute, please feel free to contact us and we will let you know how we can help you to get an article published.
Second, we are a community that has thousands of members from every corner of the globe and with every level of cigar knowledge there is. We recommend that you join and get to know people, ask questions and most of all have fun. Many of the people on the site will seem like they have been friends for a long time, and some have. But many others have only met each other recently through this forum.
Lastly, we have a cigar database with thousands of cigars, an events calendar, photo galleries, resources for where to buy, box codes and so much more. Grab a smoke, sit back and enjoy a good time with us.
The Management,
David Dehls (Renaissance Man)
Cigar Weekly.com is published by:
Wednesday Afternoon Cigar & Strategy Group LLC
550 Plumb Ln Suite B265 Reno, NV 89509
For a look at the history of the forums here at Cigar Weekly, there is a thread on the Forum that covers it in detail.
Note: you must be a forum member and logged in to read it. Take this opportunity to join.